Current Release

The latest production release is Prism for AL 3.1.0 SE.

Performance Tip: For optimal graph loading performance, please review your anti-virus path exceptions. The exclusion paths were changed in preview version 1.9.0 due to heavy file activity during graph building.

Need a trial license? After download and installation, get your trial license via Prism's control panel.

See Release Notes for product history and read the EULA for terms and conditions.

Previous Release

Visual Studio Code Extension

Supported Versions of Business Central

BC Version Description
15 .. 25 Officially supported
14 and NAV 2018 Supported for extension development; the C/AL base application is loaded as a symbol file (no code in triggers/procedures)

System Requirements

Operating System Description
Windows 10 .. 11 Officially supported
Need older? Please contact us! - Prism for AL 1.8.1 may still run
Processor (System Type) Description
64-bit Officially supported
32-bit We currently build Prism for AL for 64-bit processors, only; if you require a 32-bit version, then please let us know
System Fonts Description
Segoe Fluent Icons This font is required to display some icons correctly. Due to Microsoft's licensing, we are not allowed to distribute this font. You can download a zip with the font and EULA here.

Known limitations

  • Symbol files properties TableRelations and CalcFields are not analyzed when they contain unquoted identifiers with spaces.


The following items are on our radar for the next releases:

  • Open solution from service.
  • Dark theme.
  • Additional immediate insights based on code graph queries.

Our road map and product backlog is very much driven by community input. Please email us your ideas—big or small—to